"'You will laugh out loud' - Guardian _______________ Get ready for a fun-filled ride and join a whole range of crazy creatures on a hilarious picture book adventure! You can't take an elephant on the bus ... It would simply cause a terrible fuss! Elephants' bottoms are heavy and fat and would certainly squash the seats quite flat. Never put a camel in a sailing boat, or a tiger on a train, and don't even THINK about asking a whale to ride a bike ... This riotous picture book is filled with animals causing total disaster as they try to travel in the most unsuitable vehicles. With hilarious rhyming text and spectacular illustrations, this is a real romp of a book - perfect for reading aloud! _______________ Don't miss out on the other hilarious books in this series: You Can't Let an Elephant Drive a Digger, You Can't Call an Elephant in an Emergency, You Can't Take an Elephant on Holiday, and You Can't Let an Elephant Drive a Racing Car. Collect them all!"